Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hallowed Ground

Martin's Cove

The song "Hallowed Ground" was written by Cheryl Davidsen in 2010. It has become the theme song for the Wyoming Mormon Trail Mission and is beloved by all those serving at Martin’s Cove. "As we stand on hallowed ground and sing this song every heart is touched by the sobering sacrifice made by those early pioneers in the Willie and Martin handcart companies."  We hope you too come to love it as we do.

Here we stand on hallowed ground -- hallowed ground,
Where frozen feet have walked,
Where mother's tears have dropped,
While weary hands dug out another grave.
Where trembling knees have knelt
To beg the Lord for help.
Upon these jagged rocks, they fell and prayed.

  Hallowed ground, holy place
Trail of tears -- trail of faith.
    Can you feel them all around,
          As we stand on hallowed ground.

Here we stand on hallowed ground,
Where winter winds have blown
And buried carts in snow,
Where hungry children watched their fathers die,
Where women young and old
Bravely pushed and pulled,
Where boys turned into men and hope survived.

   Hallowed ground, holy place.
Trail of tears -- trail of faith.
    Can you feel them all around,
           As we stand on hallowed ground.

Where snow and ice transpired into refiners fire.
Where angels came and pushed them up the hill.
How God could show his grace
in such a god-forsaken place
And yet, I feel his presence still.

     Hallowed ground, holy place.
  Trail of tears -- trail of faith.
     Can you feel them all around
             As we stand on hallowed ground.
                   As we stand on this hallowed ground.

We have genuinely loved serving at the Wyoming Mormon Trail Mission and will cherish the memories we have made...of visitors, of trekkers, of missionary friends but especially of those valiant  handcart pioneers of 1856.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like this is goodbye to an hallowed place you both have grown to love. Larry and I are so happy you have had such a marvelous spiritual and rewarding experience. I can hardly wait to see what your next chapter is in this life. We always enjoy hearing about your experiences. Fair winds on the next journey.
