Thursday, January 26, 2017

See What You Sea

Black Point Anchorage

You will recall, a massive winter storm crisscrossed the United States the week of January 6, 2017 dropping 15-20 inches of rain and snow in its wake. This storm caused flooding and power outages, while blocking roadways and stalling traffic all up and down the East coast. The storm eventually passed offshore, only to arrive here in the Bahamas.  Though we did not experience the rains and snow levels like they did in the States, we did receive gale force winds of 30-35 knots. Having waited at Staniel Cay nine days for this storm to pass, and the winds and waves to subside, we finally decided to sail 16 miles south to Black Point Settlement on Great Guana Cay. Our original plans were to head north from Staniel Cay, but the forecast called for several more days of high winds. We had already spent three days confined aboard "Little Lara" and we were more than anxious to get ashore. Black Point Settlement provided us that opportunity.  The settlement at Black Point is a gem! It has a great harbor with plenty of room in the anchorage. But, the most attractive thing about this area is the people - friendly, outgoing, and focused on being of service to cruisers. We also enjoyed the white sandy beaches with their rocky cliffs and blow holes as we waited for the storm to pass.  This week we are expecting light winds which will be great for heading north to see all the wonderful islands that we missed on the trip down. We plan to travel to Nassau, the Berry Islands, Bimini and then back to Florida in February. Again, we hope you enjoy the pictures and video.

Waves crashing on shore

We found a lot of sea glass on this beach

This arch is underwater at high tide

One of the shells I found here

1 comment:

  1. A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,
    To see what he could see, see, see.
    But all that he could see, see, see
    Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

    ...And a swimming pig!!
