Saturday, January 14, 2017

Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park

We left Rock Sound, Eleuthra on December 28, 2016 to sail the 45 miles to Warderwick Wells, Exuma.  Here lies the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.  Since we began planning our trip to the Bahamas last year the park has been one of our "must see" destinations.  The park is considered to be the most pristine and possibly the most beautiful area in all of the Exumas.  On the north end of the island is the 70 foot high Boo Boo Hill and on the southern end is Pirate's Lair.   Boo Boo Hill is where cruiser leave driftwood plaques carved with their boat name.

Cruiser's Driftwood Plaques

Can You Spot "Little Lara's" Plaque?

Boo Boo Hill is said to be haunted and late, on overcast nights, when the moon is full, you can hear a congregation of missionaries singing hymns.  These early English missionaries were shipwrecked on the island and eventually perished. Also, nearby are blowholes from which seawater shoots up high into the air with an eerie "whooshing sound", when the wind and waves are just right.

Pirate's Lair

Pirate's Lair lies a short walk inland down a conch shell lined path with palm trees on either side.  At the end of the path is a small opening with a fresh water well off to one side.   It is rumored that in this area pirates would gather when they came ashore to discuss pillaging  and plundering and do whatever pirates in the 1700's did on their days off.

Warderwick Wells North Anchorage
Are you able to identify "Little Lara"?

Designated as a replenishment area (this means no taking of plants, animals or marine life)  Exuma Cay Land and Sea Park encompasses 15 major cays over 176 square miles.  You can only get here by boat. The best way for us to describe the week we spent in the park hiking, snorkeling and exploring is through pictures. Enjoy!

Whale Bones' Display

Peggy claiming the trail to Beryl's Beach

Snorkeling off Warderwick Wells

Wow, is that a Mermaid?

Do you see the fish hiding in the sponge?

Cool purple Sea Fan

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous adventure!! Thanks for all the pictures. I would love to see this place but think these photos are the closet I will get. Thanks for sharing. Our experiences this week we're with our family, breakfast with Grace and her family, a movie of LaLa land with Ruth, dinner last night with Wendy and Jorden eating Scandinavian food, outings with the grandchildren, picking citrus with the grandchildren and giving it away and decluttering our homes and journeys to drop off stuff to goodwill and a weaving class I began in Mesa, AZ. Where ever we are life is quite the journey. Keep it up and be happy.
